21 November 2009

People who've gone diving in Yellowstone Lake say that there is a bulge in the floor that is now about 100 feet high and the whole thing is just sort of pulsing. From different people you get different answers, but it could go in another three to four thousand years or it could go on Thursday. No one knows.
--Cormac McCarthy gives one of his very few interviews (first one since Oprah? Maybe) to the Wall Street Journal and takes advantage of the opportunity to scare us all. Also covered: the real-life kid behind the kid, his own one-star review of MOBY DICK and one more pullquote of awesome:
I was at the Academy Awards with the Coens [for "No Country For Old Men"]. They had a table full of awards before the evening was over, sitting there like beer cans. One of the first awards that they got was for Best Screenplay, and Ethan came back and he said to me, "Well, I didn't do anything, but I'm keeping it."

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