19 January 2011


No, actually, if you want to read the whole Modern Library list you can't skip the D.H. Lawrence books you don't like. I mean, what kind of lawless land is this? (And before you say anything else, see: THE RAINBOW, WOMEN IN LOVE)


Marjorie said...

Oh! I had the impression he was making an exception by reading those books out of list order, not that he wasn't reading them.

Ellen said...

I suppose there is some vagueness there. I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO SUFFER

Wade Garrett said...

For a list of the 100 "best" novels, it sure has a lot of books that suck a lot of dick.

Ellen said...

Wade, you should sign out before you troll. It just makes you look bad.

Wade Garrett said...

Previous comment withdrawn.

Allow my to rephrase:

For a list of the 100 "best" novels, it sure has a lot of books that I do not hold in particularly high esteem.

Wade Garrett said...

Which is not to say that the vast, vast majority of books on that list aren't great - because they are. And even the ones I personally happen to dislike are still enormously influential.

Ellen said...

Some were just influential on generations before ours, I assume. I don't think any of the original judges were under 60 when the list was revealed.