Title: O Evil Planet: Theory and Practice of Gnomonism by Glen David Gold
Location: glendavidgold.blogspot.com
Books for which proprietor is responsible: CARTER BEATS THE DEVIL and one of my favorite novels of 2009, SUNNYSIDE
Features: Disjointed, often numbered musings; pictures of pets captioned as "support staff"
You'd never know this author... would list "Dude Where's My Car?" as one of his favorite movies. I hope he is sincere about that.
Why you should read it: Because I don't have the slightest idea what is going on with it, and if you scroll down you might jump out of your chair.
Sample passage: "Why is it, then, that the internet is so disruptive to thought? I think it might be because it mimics the freedom of woolgathering while substituting, like a cuckoo's egg, its own images for the ones you might have made up."
A great recent post: "O. And Why It Took 8 Years"
3 hours ago
1 comment:
Looks pretty cool - this may be the second author blog I bookmark, after Nick Hornby's.
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