22 June 2008

Memoir madness has gone too far!

On an otherwise routine trip to the library...

LIBRARY EMPLOYEE scans my copy of Stephanie Klein's MOOSE: A MEMOIR OF FAT CAMP. We're waiting for the receipt with all my books on it to print...

L.E. (pointing to the words "fat camp" on the cover): That's not real, right?
Ellen: What, fat camp?
L.E.: Yeah.
Ellen: Yeah, it is.
L.E. makes a doubtful face.
Ellen: It's where you send your fat child to get skinny. Thinking: Backtrack! Backtrack! I don't know, I'll read the book and let you know when I finish.

From Klein's website:
Stephanie was a seventh-grader with a weight problem. It was a problem at school, where the boys called her “Moose” and her only friends were the nerds and misfits, and it was a problem at home, where her father reminded her, “No one likes fat girls.” After several unsuccessful attempts at dieting and many frustrating sessions with a nutritionist known as the Fat Doctor of Roslyn Heights, Long Island, Stephanie’s parents enrolled her for a summer at fat camp.
I didn't want to go too hard on the librarian on duty considering last week I shoved my gym swiper instead of my library swiper at him when it came time to check out, and he had to verbally tell me, "That's not your library card." Doh.

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