08 March 2012

Tournament of Books '12: Let's do this thing

This was a fun exercise! I recommend it! That said I only went 11 for 16 on this bunch. I had time to start OPEN CITY, but not finish it; library copies of THE SENSE OF AN ENDING, STATE OF WONDER and THE SISTERS BROTHERS were scarce, and I didn't get the gumption to start 1Q84. So I made my picks based on the information I knew and where I thought each match-up would break; the only one I really had no idea on was STATE OF WONDER vs. SISTERS BROTHERS. Anyone want to fill me in?

Edit: And in classic March Madness fashion my bracket is already blown. Oh, well.


jess s said...

So, are you going to re-do your brackets with consideration for that first draw ? I can't believe you carried Devil all the way to the zombie round, though!

Ellen said...

Maybe I'll do second-round picks, but I made my (wrong) choices and I have to live with them. I thought this was going to be so easy, I actually do decently in March Madness pools despite knowing nothing about NCAA basketball...

DEVIL just seemed like the kind of book ToB would want to champion... and, related, I didn't feel like Emma Straub really addressed what makes SENSE OF AN ENDING her choice over it in her decision. But that's neither here nor there.

jess s said...

Well, congrats on your pick today, anyway, although I thought Binelli's argument was WEAK.