19 September 2010

People who hate hardcovers might look for some kindred souls in the comments of this HTMLGIANT post.

Buying hardcovers still feels like a splurge for me, and I guess it will be that way a long time. I grew up amid my parents' '70s hardcovers of THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP and the box set of George Orwell diaries, a little yellowed, a little frayed on the edges, but still constitutional. I still associate hardcovers with adulthood, I think because young adult and kids' books are so rarely put out in hardcover (there's that gap between picture books and Times bestsellers) and from some fundamental misunderstanding over jacket covers.

That said, I probably have a few hardcovers sitting around I don't really cherish, including ones I haven't read whose bulk is intimidating me. Probably time to sort through anyway.

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