10 September 2010

"How big a deal is this? This is better than Harry Potter 8 would be." PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH author Norton Juster is releasing a new book; inner children rejoice. (It is not, however, a bigger deal than if Bill Watterson were to continue drawing "Calvin and Hobbes" though. Come on.)


Saint Mooney said...

Biography actually just moved to a different part of the Village -- on Bleecker. (It is really great, and has amazing remainder deals) Not that Marc Jacobs isn't everything wrong with the 2000s, writ large.

Elizabeth said...

He worked on it for thirty years? I have high expectations now.

Ellen said...

Elizabeth -- hard not to, right?

Saint Mooney -- aha! I couldn't find them because they changed their name to bookbook. I had just assumed that, like so many other small indies here, they would have closed. I should go check it out one of these days.