01 April 2011

NYC: Also not an April Fool's post

I meant to do one this year but I was too busy wrapping my coworker's desk in pictures of Justin Bieber. (It went over great, trust me.)

Anyway, my point is, Housing Works Bookstore (home of the CHRISTMAS CAROL reading I went to last December) has a $12-for-$25 Groupon today. (Note: If you buy through that link I might get some money, but I promise to blow it on books.) Come on, you're going to be buying some books between now and expiration date October 2nd anyway.


Wade Garrett said...

Thanks for the heads-up! That's one of my favorite places to hang out downtown.

By the way, if you had to pick one . . . The Housing Works Bookstore Cafe, or Think Coffee on Bowery?

Ellen said...

Think, although probably not that Think location specifically. I love to shop at Housing Works, but the coffee is not great, the lighting is bad and the cafe chairs are really uncomfortable. Most people I know who prefer the Housing Works cafe do so in spite of those plain facts.