02 October 2008

Granting her slightly more than $12 grand in checking

Is Tina Fey going to write a book? Oh please oh please:
Fey, who has made two return appearances on SNL to satirize Palin, has been too busy to meet with publishers face to face.

One source familiar with the talks said that her book is not being pitched as a memoir, but instead as nonfiction humor, more in the style of author, screenwriter and film director Nora Ephron.

Pardon me, Page Six, but I believe you meant "Nora Ephron... but funny." From reviewing a few celeb memoirs a year I can confirm that most of them are hilarious in how bad they are, but if Fey were to do something more creative -- like Jon Stewart's AMERICA: THE BOOK -- I think this could be huge.

I do, however, find it funny that the latest enthusiasm is attached to her portrayals of Sarah Palin (funny because they're scary) and not to her amazing and underwatched sitcom, "30 Rock" (funny because it's true). Maybe costar Alec Baldwin would be so kind as to write an intro in the voice of her onscreen boss Jack Donaghy? The title of this post comes from one of my favorite Fey/Baldwin conversations on the show, about Liz Lemon's financial situation:

Jack Donaghy: So, what do you do with your money? Put it into a 401(k)?
Liz Lemon: Yeah...I’ve gotta get one of those.
J.D.: What? Where do you invest your money, Liz?
L.L.: I have, like, 12 grand in checking.
J.D.: Are you an immigrant?
Politically incorrect? Yes. Hilarious? Clearly.

1 comment:

Anna Weaver Lopiccolo said...

Oh, I hope she writes a book. Because "30 Rock" is one of the best comedies on TV