25 November 2007

New Year's Eve for the New York Times

So I did a little better on the New York Times Notable Books of 2007 list than I did on PW's year-end foray, but I still wish someone more prominent than I -- perhaps a book critic for NPR -- would come out and say, "Look, nobody has read all these books, so stop feeling like a slacker." Anyway, here are the books on their list I've read:
Thomas Mallon, FELLOW TRAVELERS -- I reviewed this book, recently re-read it and loved it.
J.K. Rowling, HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (well, of course)
Ian McEwan, ON CHESIL BEACH -- Ah, love, let us be true/ To one another! Oh wait, wrong beach. This book is very short (also quite good), so if you happen to be reading the list and feeling guilty that you haven't read ANY of the most notable books of the year, according to some guys in a smoke-filled room, well--here's your chance. Also fits well in most Christmas stockings.
Tom McCarthy, REMAINDER -- so far, the only overlap I've found from the PW list.
Michael Chabon, THE YIDDISH POLICEMAN'S UNION (hooray!)

Also of note, if you are still feeling guilty: One of the books on the list was Pierre Bayard's HOW TO TALK ABOUT BOOKS YOU HAVEN'T READ. Is that editor Sam Tanenhaus winking at us?

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