01 November 2007

NaBloPoMo -- it's on!

Oh, you poor, neglected blog. Ever since I got a freelance job writing for a group blog, I fear I have forgotten you entirely. Maybe this will help:

For the first time ever, I signed up for National Blog Posting Month, a conglomerate of people who agree to post every day in the month of November. NaBloPoMo is inspired by National Novel Writing Month, which I have done before and which is amazingly fun -- but I don't have time for it this year. (I know, the whole point is not to put off your novelizing dreams any more, but I surely will do it again -- maybe in my own designated month next year. Also, I fear giving myself carpal tunnel.) Instead, I will attempt this slightly lesser feat and entertain you for the whole month.

If you're interested you can sign up for NaBloPoMo here. Look for today's real post later this afternoon.

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