03 July 2013

June Unbookening: A Tale Of Two Cities

I'm still essentially living like a nomad and my reading habits definitely reflect that. But as I settled in something changed... take a look:

In New York: -18 
Bought 2
Received 3 to review

Returned 2 to library
Donated 9
Gave away 12

In Chicago: +4
Bought 7
Received 2 to review
Checked out 1 from the library (e-books, NYPL; still not eligible for a local card)

Donated 5
Gave away 1

I won't have this much time to be gallivanting about in used bookstores, but it sure was fun when it lasted! I'll probably shed a few more this week while I'm on vacation. But man, do I miss my books.

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