01 March 2010

February Unbookening and unsolicited pen recommendation

Checked 9 out from the library
Got 10 to review
Bought 1
Received 1 as a gift (Jane Gardam's THE PEOPLE OF PRIVILEGE HILL)
21 in

Returned 13 to the library
Donated 6
Gave away 2
21 out

I'm going to make an assumption about you, that if you like dead-tree media as much as I do you might also be particular about your pens. (If you find this suggestion offensive, sorry.) I am quite particular myself, you might even say fussy, but I still do a fair amount in longhand so I feel justified. Anyway, if you're in the market, I recommend the Bic Triumph 537R (looks like this). It writes very smoothly without pressure and the capacity is excellent. Now who wants a letter?


Elizabeth said...

I want a letter!

I prefer ballpoint, myself.

Ellen said...

I'm surprised you didn't say pencil!

I ought to write my grandma first but I'll get to you next. You can pretend it's summer vacation and you're in the UP.