06 September 2011

Damn you, autocorrect

Dear Microsoft Word,

Stop changing it to HOUSE OF HOLDS. It was funny the first time, now I'm just stressed out.


8yearoldsdude said...

Bill Gates messes with my professional life too!

It autocorrects my study species from "grylle" to "grille". Some day I won't catch it and will look like a moron.

Ellen said...

Next they'll integrate with MSN and autocorrect every mention to Bear Grylls.

8yearoldsdude said...

but "Holes" is a word. Why correc it? what gives, MS?

Also is HoH good? My book club for dudes is considering it, but because it is new and hardback and expensive, i want to make sure it is good before lobbying for it.

Ellen said...

HoH is okay but I don't think it would make for a good book-club book. Not so much for the salaciousness of the material as that there's not much to talk about in it, other than "Wasn't it crazy when--" (Not that it's not fun to have that conversation.) In that respect VOX and THE FERMATA were much more interesting.